청소년 분과 (Sunday School, Youth Group, Korean School)

청소년 분과
Title[Pic]Archdiocese Award Ceremony2021-01-04 11:44
Category Youth Group
Writer Level 10

Congratulations to SAK Youth Ministry Recognition Award Recipients!


Archdiocese of Newark annually recognizes outstanding youths and adults who work so hard for the youth in our Archdiocese.  This year we are very proud to present very first award recipients from St. Andrew Kim Parish.

The Parish Youth Disipleship Award is presented to those outstanding high school teenagers who have responded to the call of discipleship through service or ministry to their parish or school community.

Senior High School Students: Veronica Choe and Dayna Rosa Park


The Parish Adults Light of the World Recognition Award is presented to adults to express appreciation and gratitude and who have demonstrated a commitment to young people and youth ministry in their parish and school. 

Youth Director: Leo Hwang